1. find the median 4,5,6,8,11,17=6

2.find the median and the mean 95,75,76,86,96,71,68,81,95,76,69,82,93,88,94= median 81 mean 83
3. find the mean 13,15,18,18,18,19,22,26,28,33=21
4. find the median 47,25,58,28,67,66=52 1/2

1. No

2. I didn't check, you need to put them in order.
3. did you add them and divide by 10? the reason I asked is that your mean has four greater, six below. That is not a usual result.
4. Looks right, I didn't do the math.

1. The median is the number in the middle -- which in your data is between 6 and 8. Therefore that median is 7.


The median is wrong for 2. Please count again. I also get a different mean.

The median is the number for which there are as many instances that are above

that number as there are instances below it. To find the median, follow these
Step 1 Rewrite the numbers in order from smallest to largest.
Step 2 Count from both ends to find the number in the middle.
Step 3 If there are two numbers in the middle, add them together and find
their mean.

To find the median of a set of numbers:

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:
4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 17

2. Determine the position of the median:
Since the set contains an odd number of elements (6), the median will be the middle value. In this case, it is the 3rd number.

3. Find the median:
The median is the number in the middle position, which is 6.

To find the mean of a set of numbers:

1. Add up all the numbers:
95 + 75 + 76 + 86 + 96 + 71 + 68 + 81 + 95 + 76 + 69 + 82 + 93 + 88 + 94

2. Divide the sum by the number of elements in the set:
Since there are 15 numbers in the set, divide the sum by 15.

3. Calculate the mean:
The mean is the result of the division. In this case, the mean is 83.

To find the mean of a set of numbers:

1. Add up all the numbers:
13 + 15 + 18 + 18 + 18 + 19 + 22 + 26 + 28 + 33

2. Divide the sum by the number of elements in the set:
Since there are 10 numbers in the set, divide the sum by 10.

3. Calculate the mean:
The mean is the result of the division. In this case, the mean is 21.

To find the median of a set of numbers:

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:
25, 28, 47, 58, 66, 67

2. Determine the position of the median:
Since the set contains an even number of elements (6), there is no single middle value. The median will be the average of the two middle values. In this case, they are the 3rd and 4th numbers.

3. Find the median:
Add up the two middle values (47 + 58 = 105) and divide by 2. The median is 52.5.