make a list of conditions that might have enabled farmers to support themselves comfortably.

This is referring to the revolution in france, and at that point of time there were some farmers who couldn't afford much, in around the 17th century. I really need help with this, thanks. All your help is appreciated.

You start the list, and I'll be glad to add to it.

could you please start it off, I am unable to understand it. I had started my list but it doesn't look right.

Ms. Sue can you just provide me with one thing for the list, I'll then complete the rest and post it on here for you to check, thanks.

Lower taxes would help them.

thanks, I'll post the rest on here after 4 u to check:-)

To make a list of conditions that might have enabled farmers to support themselves comfortably during the 17th century in France, we need to consider various factors that could have positively impacted their livelihood. Here are some possible conditions that may have contributed to a farmer's comfort and success during that time:

1. Technological advancements: The adoption of improved farming techniques and tools, such as crop rotation, more efficient plows, and better irrigation systems, could have increased productivity and overall crop yields. This, in turn, would have allowed farmers to generate higher incomes.

2. Ownership and access to land: Farmers who owned their land or had secure and long-term access to it would have been more likely to invest in its improvement, leading to higher yields and improved economic stability. Having control over the land also provides a sense of security and allows for long-term planning.

3. Market access and demand: Farmers who had access to local and regional markets to sell their produce could command better prices and avoid excessive transportation costs. A strong demand for agricultural products, both domestically and internationally, would have created favorable economic conditions for farmers.

4. Favorable climate and good soil fertility: Regions with favorable weather conditions and fertile soils could have supported higher agricultural productivity. This would have allowed farmers to grow a variety of crops and generate surplus production for sale.

5. Stable political and legal environment: A stable political system and legal framework that protected property rights and provided social order would have created a conducive environment for farming. Farmers would feel more secure in their investments and be able to plan for the long term.

6. Access to credit and financial resources: Farmers who had access to credit from local institutions or wealthy landowners could have invested in their farms, purchased better equipment, and expanded their operations. Financial resources would have allowed them to weather difficult times and make necessary investments for improved productivity.

7. Access to education and knowledge: Farmers who had access to agricultural knowledge and education, possibly through local agricultural schools or apprenticeships, would have been able to implement more efficient farming practices and benefit from the latest scientific advancements in agriculture.

8. Social support networks: Strong community or cooperative networks among farmers may have provided mutual assistance, shared resources, and collective bargaining power, resulting in better economic outcomes for all members.

It's important to note that these conditions would have varied across different regions and social classes in France during the 17th century. The level of prosperity achieved by farmers would have depended on several complex factors and historical circumstances.