S2Within" equals:

- the sum of squares within each group

- the square root of the standard within-group deviations from the mean

- the squared variance within groups

- the population variance estimate based on the variation within each of the groups.

the population variance estimate based on the variation within each of the groups

"S2Within" is the squared variance within groups. It is an estimate of the population variance based on the variation within each of the groups.

"S2Within" refers to the variance estimate based on the variation within each of the groups. To calculate S2Within, you will need to perform the following steps:

1. Calculate the sum of squares within each group: To do this, subtract the mean of each group from each individual value within that group, and then square the differences. Sum up these squared differences for each group.

2. Calculate the standard within-group deviations from the mean: Take the square root of the sum of squares within each group. This will give you the average deviation of each value within a group from the group's mean.

3. Calculate the squared variance within groups: Square the standard within-group deviations from the mean calculated in the previous step. This will give you the measure of variation within each group.

4. Estimate the population variance: S2Within serves as an estimate of the population variance based on the variation within each group. It provides information about the dispersion of data points within each group.

In summary, S2Within is a measure that quantifies the variation within each group and provides an estimate of the population variance based on this variation.

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