how many significant figures do the following numbers have?

1)0.023 2) 1000 3) 8120 4) 7.991 * 10^10 5) 0.00390 6) 9.010 * 10-2
7) 9.0 * 10^-3 8) 3.4 *10*4 9) 1090.00010.
How is 1090.00010 written in scientific

leading and trailing zeros don't count, but zeros "stuck in between" do count

so for 1) there are 3 significants
for 5) there are 4
and for 6) there are 3

I am sure you can figure out the rest

= 1.09 x 10^3

To determine the number of significant figures in a number, follow these steps:

1) For non-zero digits, all digits are significant. For example, in the number 8120, all four digits (8, 1, 2, 0) are significant.

2) Leading zeros are not significant. For example, in the number 0.023, only two digits (2, 3) are significant.

3) Captive zeros (zeros between non-zero digits) are significant. For example, in the number 1000, all four digits (1, 0, 0, 0) are significant.

4) Trailing zeros are significant if there is a decimal present. For example, in the number 7.991 * 10^10, all four digits (7, 9, 9, 1) are significant.

Here's the breakdown of the significant figures for each of the given numbers:

1) 0.023: 2 significant figures
2) 1000: 4 significant figures
3) 8120: 4 significant figures
4) 7.991 * 10^10: 4 significant figures
5) 0.00390: 3 significant figures
6) 9.010 * 10^-2: 4 significant figures
7) 9.0 * 10^-3: 2 significant figures
8) 3.4 * 10^4: 2 significant figures
9) 1090.00010: 9 significant figures

To write 1090.00010 in scientific notation, you need to move the decimal point so that there is exactly one non-zero digit to the left of it. In this case, you can move the decimal point four places to the left, which gives you 1.09000010.

In scientific notation, this becomes 1.09000010 * 10^3.