1. Capstone CheckPoint

„h Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
„h Answer the following questions in a 100- to 200-word response. Cover each bullet point in your answer.
o In the future, how will thinking critically influence the ways that you:
„h Read?
„h Write?
„h Process information?
o Why and how could you apply critical thinking when evaluating each of the following:
„h Articles
„h Advertising
„h Media
„h Conversations

I don't ever recall at the University of Texas, where I received my Bachelor's degree, of writing an essay "In the future, how will..or how could you "

Goodness. I guess things have moved from the substance of the course, to how one feels about it, and how could one use it if one were competent in it.
Critical thinking is not wishing, nor speculating about, the future.
I would be much more comfortable as your professor in critiquing your essay for how you critically analyzed an issue, rather than critiquing your speculation on how you could use critical analysis if you were competent to do so.
If this is typical of your assignments at this school, I would recommend doing some critical thinking on the value of that school. After all,it is your money (I assume). It certainly is your time.

We will be happy to critique your thinking and work on this.

My question is why you are posting this here. Clearly all these things are asking about what YOU have learned, how YOU will apply critical thinking, etc.

YOU must do your own thinking and writing.

To answer the questions in the Capstone CheckPoint, you need to understand how critical thinking influences reading, writing, processing information, and evaluating articles, advertising, media, and conversations.

Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze and evaluate information in an objective and logical manner. It involves asking questions, considering multiple perspectives, and making reasoned judgments. Here's how thinking critically can influence these domains:

1. Reading: Thinking critically while reading helps you dissect the author's arguments, identify biases, and evaluate the evidence presented. It allows you to engage with the text actively, question the information, and form your own informed opinions.

2. Writing: Critical thinking enables you to express your thoughts coherently and persuasively. When writing, you must consider different perspectives, analyze evidence, and form logical arguments. By critically evaluating your own ideas and considering counterarguments, you can strengthen your writing and make it more convincing.

3. Processing information: Thinking critically aids in processing information by enabling you to assess its reliability, relevance, and credibility. In the age of information overload, critical thinking helps you identify trustworthy sources, distinguish between facts and opinions, and make informed decisions.

When evaluating articles, advertising, media, and conversations, here's how you can apply critical thinking:

1. Articles: Think critically by checking the author's credentials, assessing the reliability of the source, and examining the evidence provided. Look for any biases or logical fallacies that may undermine the article's credibility.

2. Advertising: Apply critical thinking to advertisements by questioning the claims made, examining any supporting evidence, and considering the potential motivations behind the messaging. Evaluate whether the advertisement uses logical reasoning or relies on emotional manipulation.

3. Media: Critical thinking in media consumption involves scrutinizing sources, fact-checking claims, and seeking multiple perspectives. Analyze the context, consider potential biases, and verify information before forming conclusions.

4. Conversations: Thinking critically during conversations entails actively listening, asking questions, and evaluating the arguments presented. Consider the evidence provided, assess logical consistency, and be aware of any personal biases that might influence your judgment.

To summarize, critical thinking plays a crucial role in reading, writing, processing information, and evaluating various forms of communication. By applying critical thinking skills in these areas, you can enhance your ability to assess information accurately, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively.