help word definition word

Here are some good dictionary websites:

To find the definition of a word, you can use various methods:

1. Online dictionaries: One of the easiest and most common ways to find word definitions is by using online dictionaries. You can visit websites such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary,, or Cambridge Dictionary. On these websites, you can simply enter the word you want to define in the search bar, and it will provide you with its definition, part of speech, example sentences, and sometimes synonyms and antonyms.

2. Mobile dictionary apps: If you prefer accessing word definitions on your smartphone or tablet, you can download dictionary apps like Merriam-Webster,, Oxford Dictionary, or Collins Dictionary. These apps provide similar features to online dictionaries, but with the convenience of being available on your mobile device.

3. Physical dictionaries: If you have a physical dictionary at hand, you can look up the word in alphabetical order. Flip through the pages until you find the word you are looking for and read its definition.

4. Search engines: Another simple method is to use a search engine like Google. Type "define [word]" into the search bar, replacing "[word]" with the word you want to define. The search engine will display the definition at the top of the search results.

Remember, the accuracy of a word definition may vary depending on the source you choose. It can be helpful to consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the word's meaning.