Use the Law of Detachment to draw a conclusion.

If the measures of two angles have a sum of 90 degrees, then the angles are complementary.
measure of angle A + measure of angle B = 90.

Could someone help explain the Law of Detachment so I can understand it better? And also, how exactly would I take a conclusion from that and phrase it? (Would it be an if/then statement?)

Thanks in advance. :)

The Law of Detachment is a logical principle that helps you draw conclusions based on given statements or premises. It states that if you have a conditional statement (if/then statement) where the hypothesis is true, then you can conclude that the conclusion is also true.

In the given scenario, the conditional statement is: "If the measures of two angles have a sum of 90 degrees, then the angles are complementary."

Now, to apply the Law of Detachment, you need a true hypothesis. In this case, the given statement is: "measure of angle A + measure of angle B = 90."

Since the sum of the measures of two angles is 90 degrees, we can conclude that the angles are complementary.

To phrase the conclusion using the Law of Detachment, you can say: "Since the measure of angle A + measure of angle B = 90 is true, we can conclude that angles A and B are complementary."

This conclusion is made based on the given conditional statement and applying the Law of Detachment.