what is the definition of a "stressed syllable"

The stressed syllable is the one that is pronounced more loudly than the other(s) in the word:

PRO cess (in "process" the first syllable is stressed.)

a BI li ty (in "ability" the second syllable is stressed.)

In the dictionary, there will always be pronunciation assistance before the definitions are given.

Interest: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/interest
Notice that the first syllable is made bold to indicate that it's the stressed syllable.

In this dictionary, the stressed syllable is indicated by a ' mark. (in' ter est)

A stressed syllable is a syllable in a word that is emphasized or pronounced with greater force or prominence. In English, stress is often marked by a louder and higher pitch, longer duration, and clearer articulation compared to unstressed syllables. To determine which syllable is stressed in a word, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the word: Decide on the word for which you want to determine the stressed syllable.

2. Analyze the syllables: Break down the word into its individual syllables. A syllable is a unit of sound that contains a vowel or a vowel sound.

3. Understand stress patterns: English words generally follow certain stress patterns, which can help us determine the stressed syllable. The two main patterns are:

- Words with two syllables: In words with two syllables (such as "hotel" or "believe"), the stress usually falls on the first syllable.
- Words with three or more syllables: In longer words (such as "communication" or "elephant"), the stress usually falls on one of the later syllables. There can be variations, but the stress is often placed on the syllable prior to the suffix or syllable with a secondary stress.

4. Use dictionaries or resources: If you are unsure about the stress pattern of a particular word, you can consult a dictionary or an online resource. Pronunciation guides in these references often include stress marks (') to indicate the stressed syllable.

By following these steps, you can determine the stressed syllable in a word and gain a better understanding of English stress patterns.