What is the percentage of sulfur in copper(I) sulfide, Cu2S

what is the mole mass of Cu2S?

What is the atomic mass of S

What is atomicmassS/molmassCu2S ?

To determine the percentage of sulfur in copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S), we need to calculate the molar mass of sulfur and the molar mass of Cu2S.

First, let's calculate the molar mass of sulfur (S). The atomic mass of sulfur is approximately 32.07 g/mol.

Next, let's calculate the molar mass of Cu2S by summing up the atomic masses of copper (Cu) and sulfur (S). The atomic mass of copper is approximately 63.55 g/mol. Since there are two copper atoms present in Cu2S, we multiply the atomic mass of copper by 2 and add it to the atomic mass of sulfur.

Molar mass of Cu2S = (2 * atomic mass of Cu) + atomic mass of S
= (2 * 63.55 g/mol) + 32.07 g/mol
= 127.1 g/mol + 32.07 g/mol
= 159.17 g/mol

Now, we are ready to calculate the percentage of sulfur in Cu2S. The percentage of sulfur can be determined using the formula:

Percentage of sulfur = (Atomic mass of S / Molar mass of Cu2S) * 100

Percentage of sulfur = (32.07 g/mol / 159.17 g/mol) * 100
≈ 20.13%

Therefore, the percentage of sulfur in copper(I) sulfide, Cu2S, is approximately 20.13%.

Please note that the values used in this explanation may vary slightly depending on the atomic masses used.