I'm learning about the irregular verbs "Conocer" and "Saber"

The teacher told us how to differentiate between the two and when to use which.

But I still find it very difficult to know when to use which one.

Can anyone help? Are there any tricks or tips that will help?

Muchas Gracias!

Both conocer and saber mean "to know" but not in the same sense and they are not interchangeable.

Saber is to know information, a fact = either knowledge or ignorance about something.

Conocer is to be or not to be acquainted with a person, place or thing.

Yo sé dónde está Susana. = I know where Susan is.

Yo conozco a Susana. = I know (have met) Susana.


Saber lo vas a usar cuando haces una pregunta por ejemplo: Quisiera saber cuando entras a la universidad.

Conocer lo vas a usar por ejemplo cuando tambien haces preguntas Quisiera conocer a tu verdaderos padres?

¡Claro que sí! I can help you differentiate between the verbs "conocer" and "saber", and provide you with some tips to make it easier to know when to use each one.

1. Conocer (to know, to be familiar with):
- Conocer is used to express familiarity with a person, place, thing, or concept.
- It is followed by a direct object, which can be a person, a place, or a thing.
- Example: "Conozco a María." (I know María.)

2. Saber (to know, to know how to, to have knowledge of):
- Saber is used to express knowledge or information about something.
- It is followed by an infinitive verb, a question word, or a clause that starts with "que".
- Example: "Sé tocar la guitarra." (I know how to play the guitar.)

Here are some tips to help you choose the correct verb:

1. Think about the subject:
- If the subject is a person, use "conocer".
- If the subject is a fact or information, use "saber".

2. Focus on the type of knowledge:
- If you are talking about knowing facts, abilities, or information, use "saber".
- If you are talking about being familiar with people, places, or things, use "conocer".

3. Pay attention to the prepositions:
- "Conocer" is often used with the preposition "a" when referring to people.
- "Saber" is often used with the preposition "de" when referring to knowledge or information about something.

Remember that practice is essential to mastering these verbs. Try using them in different contexts and pay attention to how native speakers use them in conversation or in written texts.

¡Buena suerte! Good luck!

¡Claro que sí! I'd be happy to help you understand the difference between the Spanish verbs "conocer" and "saber."

"Conocer" and "saber" both mean "to know" in English, but they are used in different contexts. Here are some tips to help you remember which one to use:

1. "Conocer" is used when expressing familiarity with people, places, or things. It indicates knowing or being acquainted with someone or being familiar with a place or thing. For example:
- Conozco a Juan. (I know Juan.)
- Conozco esa ciudad. (I know that city.)

2. "Saber" is used when expressing knowledge or information about facts, skills, or abilities. It indicates knowing something intellectually. For example:
- Sé hablar inglés. (I know how to speak English.)
- Sé que el examen es mañana. (I know that the exam is tomorrow.)

Here's a simple trick to help you remember: If you can answer the question "do you know ___?" with a person's name or a place, use "conocer." If you can answer the question "do you know ___?" with an informational fact, use "saber."

It's important to practice using these verbs in different contexts to become more comfortable with their usage. Pay attention to the context in which the verbs are used in conversation, reading, or listening. This will help you internalize their distinctions and use them correctly.

Remember that language learning can take time, so don't hesitate to ask for clarification or practice regularly to reinforce your understanding. ¡Buena suerte con tus estudios!