can someone pleasse name some personal characteristics to survive an ordeal.

bravery, stamina, faith in the future, resourcefulness

thank you Ms. Sue, I appreciate your help

You're welcome, Emma.

Certainly! When it comes to survival in an ordeal, there are several personal characteristics that can be helpful. Here are a few:

1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity and stay mentally strong in difficult situations is crucial for survival. Resilient individuals find ways to cope, adapt, and remain hopeful even in the face of challenges.

2. Resourcefulness: Being resourceful means using creativity and problem-solving skills to make the most of the available resources. It involves thinking outside the box, improvising, and adapting to unfamiliar conditions.

3. Determination: A strong sense of determination keeps individuals focused on their goal of survival and motivates them to keep going, even when they feel exhausted or discouraged. It involves persevering through setbacks and never giving up.

4. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial in surviving an ordeal. Being flexible, open-minded, and willing to adjust one's plans or strategies can greatly increase the chances of survival.

5. Self-control: Maintaining emotional control and making rational decisions under pressure is essential. It involves managing fear, panic, and stress, and staying calm and composed in order to make clear-headed choices.

To acquire these characteristics, one can engage in activities that promote personal growth and resilience, such as mindfulness meditation, physical training, learning survival skills, practicing problem-solving, and setting goals that require determination and adaptability. Additionally, seeking out experiences that challenge and push one's limits can help cultivate these qualities.