a+7<_ -17 i think its suppose to say greater than or equal to

i say 24 with a closed circle.

and is the cirlce closed or open when u graph it?

a + 7 ≤ -17

a ≤ -24

With the data you have posted, I don't know what a "closed circle" has to do with it.

To solve the inequality a + 7 ≤ -17, we need to isolate the variable 'a'.

1. Start by subtracting 7 from both sides of the inequality to get the variable alone.
a + 7 - 7 ≤ -17 - 7
a ≤ -24

So, the correct solution is a ≤ -24.

When graphing this inequality, we represent the solutions on a number line. Since the inequality includes 'less than or equal to', we use a closed circle at -24 to show that -24 is included in the solution.

The graph should have a closed circle at -24 and extend to the left, indicating that a can take any value less than or equal to -24.