the sum of 3 numbers is 301. the second number is 3 less than 12 times the first number. the third number is 4 more than 7 times the first number. find the 3 numbers

let the first be x

then the second is 12x-3
the third is 7x+4

now what else do you know about the three numbers.
Take it from here.


is half of another number .the sum of 3 times of first number and 4 times of the other is 22.find the numbers

To find the three numbers, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the first number is "x."

According to the problem, the second number is 3 less than 12 times the first number, which can be written as:

Second number = 12x - 3

Similarly, the third number is 4 more than 7 times the first number, so we can write it as:

Third number = 7x + 4

The sum of the three numbers is given as 301. We can set up an equation with the sum:

x + (12x - 3) + (7x + 4) = 301

To solve this equation, combine like terms:

20x + 1 = 301

Subtract 1 from both sides:

20x = 300

Divide by 20:

x = 15

Now that we have the value of the first number, we can substitute it back into our equations to find the second and third numbers:

Second number = 12x - 3
= 12(15) - 3
= 180 - 3
= 177

Third number = 7x + 4
= 7(15) + 4
= 105 + 4
= 109

Therefore, the three numbers are 15, 177, and 109.