How many 10 digit numbers can we make with 5,342,781?

You provide 7 digits and require a 10 digit number. So it is imperative to have repetitions. I will assume that any of the seven digits can be chosen and any repetitions are allowed.

Choice for the first digit: 7
Number of one digit numbers : 7
Choice for the second digit : 7
Number of two digit numbers : 7*7 = 7²
Choice for the third digit : 7
Number of 3 digit numbers : 7*7*7 = 7²

Can you continue till 7 digits?

Thank you. I thought the question was off.

It is a little adventurous to interpret it this way, I admit. In any case, this is the best interpretation I could make out of the question!

To find out how many 10-digit numbers can be made using the digits 5,342,781, we need to consider a few things:

1. The first digit cannot be zero, since that would make it a nine-digit number.
2. Once we choose the first digit, we have nine options left for the second digit (any digit can be used).
3. The same applies for the remaining digits; we have eight options for the third digit, seven options for the fourth digit, and so on.

To calculate the total number of possibilities, we multiply the number of options for each digit:

9 (options for the first digit) × 10 (options for the second digit) × 10 (options for the third digit) × 10 (options for the fourth digit) × 10 (options for the fifth digit) × 10 (options for the sixth digit) × 10 (options for the seventh digit) × 10 (options for the eighth digit) × 10 (options for the ninth digit) × 10 (options for the tenth digit)

Therefore, the total number of 10-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 5,342,781 is 9 × 10^9 = 9,000,000,000.