Solve using substitution method


2x-7y=-6 but x = 5y , so

2(5y) - 7y = -6

I am sure you can take it from there.

To solve the system of equations using the substitution method, we need to substitute the value of one variable from one equation into the other equation.

1. Given equations:
2x - 7y = -6 ---(Equation 1)
x = 5y ---(Equation 2)

2. Substitute the value of x from Equation 2 into Equation 1:
2(5y) - 7y = -6
10y - 7y = -6
3y = -6
y = -6/3
y = -2

3. Now substitute the value of y back into Equation 2 to find x:
x = 5(-2)
x = -10

4. The solution to the system of equations is x = -10 and y = -2.

To check if the solution is correct, substitute the values of x and y into both equations:
2(-10) - 7(-2) = -6
-20 + 14 = -6
-6 = -6 (Equation 1 is true)

-10 = 5(-2)
-10 = -10 (Equation 2 is true)

Therefore, the solution x = -10 and y = -2 satisfies both equations.