can someone please take a look at my french posts, thanks

Please be patient. We have three excellent French tutors, but they may not be online for a few hours to help you.

isn't mathmate on though?

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I cannot look at or assess your French posts directly. However, I can provide guidance on how to get help with your French posts. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Language exchange platforms: You can try posting your French posts on language exchange platforms like ConversationExchange or Tandem. These platforms allow you to connect with native French speakers who can provide feedback and corrections on your posts.

2. Online language forums: There are various online forums dedicated to language learning, where you can post your French texts and ask for feedback. Websites like WordReference or Duolingo forums have active communities that are willing to help learners with their language questions.

3. Language learning communities: Join online communities focused on language learning, such as Reddit's r/French or language learning Discord servers. These communities often have dedicated sections for language practice and feedback.

4. Language tutors: Consider hiring a French tutor or teacher who can specifically help you with your writing. Tutors can provide personalized feedback, correct any mistakes, and suggest improvements to your French posts.

Remember, it's always good to specify what kind of feedback you are looking for from others, whether it's grammar, vocabulary, or overall clarity.