Name At Least One characteristic of living things is shown in each of the examples :

a) A plant bends towards the light
b) a tadpole develops into a frog
c) human lungs breath out carbon dioxide
d) a cat give birth to kittens
e) Plants get bigger the sunlight

Do you have an example. There are hundreds of characteristics for each of these.

One characteristic of living things shown in each of the examples are:

a) A plant bends towards the light: This example demonstrates the characteristic of responding to stimuli. Plants have a natural inclination to grow towards the light source, a process known as phototropism. Phototropism is possible due to the presence of a hormone called auxin, which causes the cells on the darker side of the stem to elongate, causing the plant to bend towards the light.

b) A tadpole develops into a frog: This example displays the characteristic of growth and development. Living organisms go through a process of maturation and transformation. In the life cycle of a frog, a tadpole gradually undergoes various transformations, including the development of limbs, loss of the tail, and internal organ restructuring to eventually become a full-grown frog.

c) Human lungs breathe out carbon dioxide: This example illustrates the characteristic of metabolism. Living organisms undergo metabolic processes by which they break down substances and generate energy. In the case of humans, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide is part of the respiratory process, which involves the exchange of gases necessary for energy production.

d) A cat gives birth to kittens: This example demonstrates the characteristic of reproduction. One of the defining features of living organisms is the ability to reproduce and pass on their genetic information. Cats, like many other animals, have the reproductive capability to give birth to offspring (kittens in this case) and maintain the continuity of their species.

e) Plants grow bigger with sunlight: This example reveals the characteristic of nutrition. Living organisms require nutrients for growth and maintenance. Plants obtain energy through a process called photosynthesis, where sunlight is converted into chemical energy. Sunlight plays a crucial role in the synthesis of sugars, which fuels plant growth and development, causing them to increase in size.