ughh i need help i dnt like proofs we'll here it the instructions write a two column proof the segment addition postulate is useful for this proof also. remember that the transitive && substitution properties are common in proofs this one requires substitution..

given is rs=xy && st=wx
prove: rt=wy

mmmh, I don't think you can prove that.

if rs = xy and st = wx
rs/(st) = xy/(wx)
r/t = y/w which contradicts rt = wy

check your question or your typing

To write a two-column proof using the segment addition postulate, transitive property, and substitution property, follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Write down the given information in the first column.

rs = xy
st = wx

Step 2:
In the second column, write down the statements and justifications as you go along.

Statement | Reason
1. rs = xy | Given
2. st = wx | Given

Step 3:
Using the segment addition postulate, which states that if three points A, B, and C are collinear, then AB + BC = AC, write down the next statement and its justification.

Statement | Reason
3. rs + st = rt | Segment Addition Postulate

Step 4:
Since we are trying to prove that rt = wy, but we have rt = rs + st, we need to find a way to substitute wy for st.

Step 5:
Based on the transitive property, if a = b and b = c, then a = c. Using this, substitute wy for st in statement 3.

Statement | Reason
3. rs + wy = rt | Substitution Property

Step 6:
Now, we have rs + wy = rt. To prove that rt = wy, we need to show that rs + wy has the same measure as rt.

Step 7:
Using the substitution property, which states that if a = b, then b can be substituted for a in any expression, write down the final step of the proof.

Statement | Reason
4. rt = wy | Substitution Property

By following these steps and including the justifications in each statement, you have successfully completed the two-column proof.