from an article " baby mix-up" and in the below sentence "Carolyn Savage won't have another chance to carry her own baby because of her age and difficulties during her earlier pregnancies. She and her husband plan to hire a surrogate and try again for a fourth child".

a fourth child means that " they will try for another child when they have 3 children" or " they will try for the fourth trial to have baby??

awaiting your help

Sounds like they already have 3 kids. They'll get the surrogate mother to have their 4th child. (I'd have to read the rest of the article to be 100% sure).

Based on the information provided, the phrase "a fourth child" means that Carolyn Savage and her husband plan to try for another child after they have already had three children. In this context, "a fourth child" refers to having a total of four children. It does not refer to a fourth attempt or trial to have a baby. They intend to have three children naturally and then use a surrogate to have their fourth child.