workout 3 over y subtract 2 over y-2

Do you wish to solve for y?

(3/y) - (2/y-2) = 0
Multiply by y(y-2)
3(y-2) - (2y) = 0
Check my work.
(3/6)-(2/6-2) = (1/2) - (2/4) = (1/2)-(1/2) = 0

all it have is to simplify

To simplify the expression (3/y) - (2/(y-2)), you need to find a common denominator for both fractions.

The LCD (Least Common Denominator) for y and (y-2) would be y * (y-2).

Now, let's rewrite both fractions with the common denominator:

3/y becomes (3 * (y-2)) / (y * (y-2))
2/(y-2) remains the same

Now, we can combine the fractions by subtracting the numerators:

(3 * (y-2) - 2) / (y * (y-2))

Expanding the numerator, we get:

(3y - 6 - 2) / (y * (y-2))

Simplifying further:

(3y - 8) / (y * (y-2))

And that's the simplified form of the given expression: (3y - 8) / (y * (y-2)).