will teacher reforms, such as comprehensive testing of teachers or requiring ongoing professional development, attract or intimidate individuals from joining the teaching profession? How do the reforms affect your own desire to enter the profession? Explain your answers.

I hope these reforms attract high-quality teachers. At the same time, higher pay, adequate equipment and supplies, and smaller class sizes should also go into the reform mix.

How do these reforms affect YOUR interest in becoming a teacher??

it will not stop me because profession is a continually search for me it will better me as a educator to be

To answer the question about whether teacher reforms, such as comprehensive testing and ongoing professional development, would attract or intimidate individuals from joining the teaching profession, we need to consider the potential pros and cons of these reforms.

Comprehensive testing of teachers can be seen as a way to ensure that educators have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively teach their students. This could attract individuals who value the idea of being held to a high standard and want to excel in their profession. Testing can also provide a valuable benchmark for teachers to identify areas for improvement and enhance their teaching abilities.

On the other hand, comprehensive testing might intimidate some individuals from joining the teaching profession. The fear of not meeting the required standards or struggling with the evaluation process could discourage potential candidates. This could particularly deter those who may lack confidence in their testing abilities or feel overwhelmed by the pressure of constant evaluation.

Requiring ongoing professional development can be seen as a positive aspect of teacher reforms. It acknowledges the importance of continuous learning and growth in the teaching profession. Ongoing professional development can attract individuals who value personal and professional development and see teaching as a career path that offers opportunities for growth and advancement.

However, ongoing professional development might also intimidate some individuals. The prospect of having to dedicate time and effort outside of regular work hours to attend workshops, seminars, or other training sessions could be overwhelming for individuals who prefer a more flexible schedule or have additional responsibilities outside of work.

Now, considering these reforms and their potential effects, let's examine how they might affect my own desire to enter the teaching profession.

Comprehensive testing of teachers would actually strengthen my desire to become a teacher. Knowing that there are standards in place and a system to assess my competence would provide a sense of accountability, giving me the confidence that I am well-prepared and capable of being an effective educator. The opportunity to continuously learn, grow, and improve through ongoing professional development also aligns with my personal values of lifelong learning and self-improvement.

In conclusion, while teacher reforms like comprehensive testing and ongoing professional development might have different effects on different individuals, they could attract those who are motivated by high standards and continuous growth, while potentially intimidating those who feel pressured by such assessments or struggle with time commitments. Personally, these reforms positively influence my desire to enter the teaching profession as they align with my values and expectations for a career that values accountability and continuous improvement.