A set of controlled steps used to answer scientific questions is?

The set of controlled steps used to answer scientific questions is called the scientific method. It is a systematic and logical approach that scientists use to investigate and understand the natural world. The scientific method consists of several steps, which can vary slightly depending on the specific field of study or research question. However, the basic steps in the scientific method typically include:

1. Observation: Scientists make careful observations of a phenomenon or problem they want to investigate. This involves gathering data and information about the subject matter.

2. Question: Based on their observations, scientists form a specific question that they want to answer through their research. This question should be formulated in a way that it can be tested using experiments or other scientific methods.

3. Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or prediction based on prior knowledge or observations. It is a proposed solution to the research question and should be testable and falsifiable.

4. Experimentation: Scientists design and conduct experiments to collect relevant data and test their hypothesis. This involves controlling variables, manipulating factors, and collecting data in a systematic and controlled manner.

5. Analysis: The data collected during experimentation is analyzed using statistical methods or other analytical techniques. This helps to determine if the results support or refute the hypothesis.

6. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, scientists draw conclusions about their research question. This involves interpreting the results and determining if they provide evidence to support or reject the initial hypothesis.

7. Communication: Scientists share their findings through scientific publications, presentations, and discussions with other researchers. This allows for peer review and further verification of the research.

By following the scientific method, scientists can ensure that their research is objective, logical, and reproducible, which is essential for advancing our understanding of the natural world.