is y=350n-(155n+700) a linear, quadratic, exponential, or none of the listed. If is is not listed, then what is it? thanks for helping me.

none you do the problem in the parentheses first then do the outside and you get your answer so you go 155n+700= 855n and you take 855-350n=

505n so y=505n

I meant what equation it was

It would be a Communitive Property

To determine the type of equation y=350n-(155n+700), let's simplify it:

First, distribute the negative sign through the parentheses: y = 350n - 155n - 700.

Next, combine like terms: y = 195n - 700.

Now that we have the equation in simplified form, we can analyze it:

Linear equations have the form y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept. In this case, we have y = 195n - 700. It matches the general form of a linear equation, but n is used instead of x. So, we can consider this equation as linear.

Therefore, the equation y = 350n - (155n + 700) is a linear equation.