Need help with this-

4. Britian was known as "the workshop of the world" during the Industrial Revolution because the nation
a. made many products abroad
b. used water power to run spinning machines
c. had an abundant supply of raw materials
d. produced and traded many manufactured goods


Let's look carefully a each word in this clause: Britian was known as "the workshop of the world"

Obviously it can't be a.

Which of the other three answers best explain the keyword, "workshop?"

I'm sorry, i put the wrong answer again! all this rain here is drving me crazayy

my answer is D

Yes, D. is the correct answer.

I'm sorry you've had so much rain. I understand it's become a disaster in your area.

Yeah, the schools are closed here too...



To determine the correct answer to this question, we can break down each option and analyze it:

a. Made many products abroad: This option suggests that Britain was known as "the workshop of the world" because they produced many products outside of their own country. However, the term implies that Britain was the center of industrial production, so this option seems unlikely.

b. Used water power to run spinning machines: This option suggests that Britain used water power to operate spinning machines, which could have contributed to their industrial production. However, it doesn't explain why Britain was referred to as "the workshop of the world."

c. Had an abundant supply of raw materials: This option suggests that Britain had a significant supply of raw materials, which could have supported their industrial production. However, it doesn't explain why Britain earned the title of "the workshop of the world."

d. Produced and traded many manufactured goods: This option suggests that Britain both produced and traded numerous manufactured goods. Since the term "the workshop of the world" implies a country that is known for its industrial output, this option aligns with that idea and is the most likely answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Produced and traded many manufactured goods.