A corn plant producing ears of corn is an example of: a.growth b.reproduction c.development d.all of these

Aren't the kernels of corn seeds. What do seeds do?

d. all of these

The correct answer is d. all of these.

A corn plant producing ears of corn is an example of all of the options provided: growth, reproduction, and development.

Growth refers to the increase in size or number of cells in an organism. In this case, the corn plant grows from a small seed to a fully developed plant with leaves, stalks, and eventually produces ears of corn.

Reproduction is the process by which organisms produce offspring. In the case of a corn plant, it reproduces by producing ears of corn, which contain seeds that can grow into new corn plants.

Development refers to the process of changes that an organism undergoes as it matures from its initial form to its adult form. In the case of a corn plant, it goes through various stages of development, starting from a seed, growing into a seedling, maturing into a fully developed plant, and producing ears of corn.

Therefore, a corn plant producing ears of corn is an example of growth, reproduction, and development.
