what is the process by which alcohol enters the bloodstream and travels to all body parts? starts with d and ends with n and the 6th letter is i and it has 12 letters


The word you are looking for is "digestion." Digestion is the process by which alcohol enters the bloodstream and travels to all body parts.

To better understand the process, let me explain how alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream:

1. Consumption: When you drink alcohol, it enters your stomach through the esophagus.

2. Absorption: From the stomach, alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream primarily through the walls of the stomach and the small intestine. This absorption occurs in a process called diffusion, where the alcohol molecules move from an area of higher concentration (the stomach) to an area of lower concentration (the bloodstream).

3. Distribution: Once in the bloodstream, alcohol is carried throughout the body. It is distributed to various organs and tissues, including the brain, liver, and muscles.

4. Metabolism: The liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol using enzymes. It metabolizes alcohol at a relatively constant rate, which is about one standard drink per hour. The byproduct of alcohol metabolism is acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that is further broken down into acetate, carbon dioxide, and water.

5. Elimination: The metabolized alcohol is eliminated from the body through excretion, predominantly by the lungs (as you breathe out) and through urine (as you go to the bathroom).

It is important to note that the rate at which alcohol is absorbed and eliminated can vary based on several factors, including individual metabolism, body weight, the presence of food in the stomach, and the type and quantity of alcohol consumed.