A local gym charges nonmembers $8 per day to use the voleyball courts. Members pay a yearly fee of $150 and $2 per day to use the voleyball courts. Write and solve an equation to find how many days you must use the voleyball court to justify becoming a member.

Can you please show me how to write and solve one? Thanks a lot!

I see it as

8d = 2d + 150
6d = 150
d = 25

25 days at $8 = 200
25 days at $2 + $150 membership = 50 + 150 = 200

thanks again! :)

Sure! To find out how many days you must use the volleyball court to justify becoming a member, we need to compare the costs for nonmembers and members.

Let's consider x as the number of days you want to use the volleyball court. For nonmembers, the cost per day is $8, so the total cost for nonmembers would be 8x.

For members, there is both a yearly fee of $150 and a daily fee of $2. The total cost for members would be 150 + 2x.

To justify becoming a member, we want the total cost for members to be less than or equal to the total cost for nonmembers. Therefore, we can write the equation:

150 + 2x ≤ 8x

Now, let's solve the equation:

Subtract 2x from both sides of the equation:

150 ≤ 6x

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 6:

25 ≤ x

Therefore, if you plan to use the volleyball court for 25 or more days, it would be more cost-effective to become a member.