Sally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 24.0 min at 63.0 km/h, 36.0 min at 45.0 km/h, and 44.0 min at 49.0 km/h, and she spends 13.0 min eating lunch and buying gas.

Is the question average speed?

Assuming average speed, you must find total distance, then total time, then divide them

Time is easy: 24 + 36 + 44 + 13 minutes

So how far do you get driving 24.0 min at 63.0 km/h? 36.0 min at 45.0 km/h? 44.0 min at 49.0 km/h?

60 min at 63 kph would bring you 63 km, so 24 min at 63 kph will bring you (24 / 60) * 63 km = 25.2 km

Then do the same for the other distances, and divide your total distance by total time

To determine the total distance Sally travels, you need to calculate the distance traveled during each segment of her journey and then sum them up.

First, let's calculate the distance covered during the first segment when she drives at 63.0 km/h for 24.0 min.

To do this, we will use the formula:
distance = speed × time

Converting time to hours:
24.0 min ÷ 60 = 0.4 hours

Distance covered in the first segment:
distance = 63.0 km/h × 0.4 hours = 25.2 km

Next, let's calculate the distance covered during the second segment when she drives at 45.0 km/h for 36.0 min.

Converting time to hours:
36.0 min ÷ 60 = 0.6 hours

Distance covered in the second segment:
distance = 45.0 km/h × 0.6 hours = 27.0 km

Finally, let's calculate the distance covered during the third segment when she drives at 49.0 km/h for 44.0 min.

Converting time to hours:
44.0 min ÷ 60 = 0.7333 hours (rounded to four decimal places)

Distance covered in the third segment:
distance = 49.0 km/h × 0.7333 hours = 35.9335 km (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, let's calculate the total distance traveled by summing up the distances of the three segments:

Total distance = Distance of first segment + Distance of second segment + Distance of third segment
Total distance = 25.2 km + 27.0 km + 35.9335 km = 88.1335 km

Sally spends 13.0 min eating lunch and buying gas. However, this time is not associated with any particular distance. So we do not need to include it in the total distance calculation.

Therefore, Sally's total distance traveled is approximately 88.1335 km.