(5x)+14=14+(5x)is this associative property of addition?

This is commutative property:

a + b = b + a

The associative property is associated with parentheses:
a + (b+c) = (a+b) + c


No, the given equation is not an example of the associative property of addition. The associative property of addition states that for any three numbers a, b, and c, the sum of (a + b) + c is equal to a + (b + c).

In the given equation, both sides of the equation are equal, which means the equation is true. This is an example of the identity property of addition, which states that any number added to zero is equal to the number itself.

To determine if an equation represents the associative property of addition, you need to have three numbers being added together, and then you need to verify if rearranging the grouping of the numbers will still yield the same result. In this case, the equation only shows two numbers being added together, not three, so it cannot be an example of the associative property.