do i have to do all my homework its so hard! i hate this! i hate this subject!

yup!!!!!! Miley, you have to do all your homework. I am sure it is hard, but the more you work on it, the easier it will get. AND.... you may not like social studies, but it will teach you things that you will need to know later.

I HATED arithmetic.... and I cried because my head didn't seem to work with numbers....but it had to be done if I wanted to do the things I liked to do and wanted to do with my life....soooo I learned arithmetic and algebra and all that stuff.
Reward yourself....after you finish your homework promise yourself an hour of whatever you like to do best. GOOD lUCK!

ya right

I understand that homework can be challenging and frustrating at times, especially if you dislike the subject. However, it is important to complete your homework for several reasons:

1. Reinforcement of Learning: Homework provides an opportunity to practice what you have learned in class. By doing your homework, you reinforce your understanding of the subject matter and improve your knowledge and skills.

2. Review and Preparation: Homework allows you to review and consolidate the concepts covered in class. This not only helps you retain the information but also prepares you for exams and assessments.

3. Development of Responsibility: Completing your homework teaches you the importance of responsibility and discipline. Meeting deadlines and completing tasks independently are valuable skills that will benefit you in the long run.

4. Academic Performance: Homework is often a part of your overall grade, so completing it can positively impact your academic performance. Consistently doing your homework can contribute to better understanding and grades in the subject.

If you find your homework particularly difficult or dislike the subject, here are some tips to make the process more manageable:

1. Break It Down: Divide your homework into smaller tasks or questions. Tackling one piece at a time can make it less overwhelming.

2. Seek Help: If you struggle with a particular topic or concept, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. Ask your teacher, a classmate, or seek online resources and tutorials to clarify doubts and better understand the subject matter.

3. Plan and Manage Time: Create a schedule or routine that allows you to allocate time for homework on a regular basis. Breaking it into manageable chunks and spreading it across multiple days can prevent last-minute rush and reduce stress.

4. Find Motivation: Try to find aspects of the subject that interest or motivate you. When you understand the relevance or applicability of the topic, it can make the workload more bearable.

Remember, even if you don't particularly enjoy a subject, completing your homework is crucial for your academic progress and personal growth.