Question: Name 10 Community Things You Can Do To Help The Earth.

I Cant Think of Any!! Help


don't waste water.
get rid of the lawn
clean up trash along roads
plant trees

Use as little electricity as possible -- turn up the thermostat for air conditioning and turn it down for heating.

Walk or bike, not drive, when possible.

Don't litter.

Eat organic foods.

Plant an organic garden.


don't litter
go to a soup kitchen
plant a tree
take shorter showers don't let the water run while you are brushing your teeth
walk not drive
turn off lamps
cut down water

Sure! Here are 10 community things you can do to help the Earth:

1. Organize a community clean-up event: Gather a group of volunteers and clean up litter and trash in public areas like parks, beaches, or streets.

2. Start a community garden: Create a local garden where people can grow their own food, promoting sustainable and organic practices.

3. Initiate a recycling program: Encourage your community to recycle by setting up recycling bins in public areas and educating people about the importance of recycling.

4. Promote water conservation: Raise awareness about water conservation by organizing workshops or distributing educational materials about ways to reduce water usage at home and in public spaces.

5. Advocate for sustainable transportation: Encourage the use of public transportation, carpooling, biking, and walking to reduce carbon emissions and promote greener alternatives.

6. Plant trees and native plants: Organize community tree-planting events or promote the use of native plants in gardens to support local ecosystems and improve air quality.

7. Educate the community about energy conservation: Host workshops or presentations on energy-saving practices such as using energy-efficient appliances, insulating homes, or using renewable energy sources.

8. Support local farmers and businesses: Buy locally produced goods and support farmers' markets to reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.

9. Advocate for sustainable waste management: Encourage your community to reduce waste by promoting composting, reusing items, and minimizing single-use plastics.

10. Organize environmental awareness campaigns: Raise awareness about environmental issues by organizing events, sharing information on social media, and collaborating with local schools and organizations.

To come up with even more ideas specific to your community, consider reaching out to local environmental organizations or joining community groups focused on sustainability.