i cant seem to get the hang of vibrato any hints or tips?

Are you trying to understand, sing or play vibrato? How to achieve it will depend upon the instrument you are playing. You can't do it with a piano.

to answer drwls question it is on the violin

Of course! Vibrato is a technique used to add a subtle fluctuation of pitch to a sustained note, frequently used in singing and playing instruments like the violin or guitar. Here are a few hints and tips to help you develop vibrato:

1. Relax your hand and arm muscles: Tension in your muscles can hinder the smooth motion required for vibrato. Take a moment to ensure your hand, wrist, and arm are relaxed.

2. Start slow and gradually increase speed: Begin by practicing slow and wide vibrato motions. Focus on maintaining a consistent pitch while gradually increasing the speed of the oscillations.

3. Use a metronome: A metronome can be a useful tool for practicing vibrato. Set it at a comfortable tempo and practice coordinating your vibrato motion with the beats. Start with one oscillation per beat and gradually increase as you progress.

4. Experiment with finger placement: Vibrato can be achieved by rocking your finger back and forth while maintaining finger contact with the string (or fret). Experiment with the placement of your finger, finding the most comfortable and effective position for producing the desired pitch fluctuations.

5. Be mindful of the width and depth of your vibrato: Vibrato can be narrow or wide, shallow or deep, depending on the musical context. Experiment with different widths and depths, and listen carefully to the effect it has on the sound. Remember to use your ear as a guide.

6. Listen and observe: Actively listen to recordings of skilled musicians employing vibrato. Observe their technique, paying attention to the speed, width, and musical context in which they use vibrato. This can serve as a valuable reference point for developing your own vibrato style.

Remember, vibrato is a skill that requires practice and patience. It may take some time to develop your desired vibrato technique, so don't get discouraged. Keep practicing with a relaxed approach, gradually increasing speed and experimenting with different techniques to find what works best for you.