What does "Yo voy a la piscina para nadar con mis amigos" mean?

I'm going to the swimming pool to swim with my friends.

it means i go to the swimming pool to swim with my friends

both could be right..depends how you use it

Here are all the possibilities:

I go
I do go
I am going


The sentence "Yo voy a la piscina para nadar con mis amigos" is in Spanish and it means "I'm going to the swimming pool to swim with my friends." Here's a breakdown of the sentence:

- "Yo" means "I" and is the subject of the sentence.
- "voy" is the present tense form of the verb "ir," which means "to go."
- "a la piscina" means "to the swimming pool." "Piscina" is the Spanish word for "pool," and "a" is a preposition used to indicate movement or direction.
- "para" means "to" or "in order to." It is used to express purpose.
- "nadar" means "to swim," and it is the infinitive form of the verb.
- "con mis amigos" means "with my friends." "Con" means "with," and "mis amigos" means "my friends."

To understand the meaning of the sentence, you can break it down word by word and combine the translations.