daffynition decoder

The smell of a deek, or someone named Deke.

If this is supposed to be a math question, the joke's on you.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daffynition
for ideas

Sleeping bag:

Nap sack


A dollar wasted

This was very use full



The term "Daffynition Decoder" refers to a word puzzle game that requires you to decode a series of funny or clever definitions of words. It is a popular brain teaser often featured in puzzle books, magazines, and websites.

The objective of the Daffynition Decoder is to decipher the actual word being described by the given definition. The definitions are intentionally written in a playful or ambiguous manner, making it challenging to figure out the correct word.

To solve a Daffynition Decoder puzzle, you need to carefully analyze the given definition while keeping in mind any wordplay or hidden clues. Here are some general tips on how to approach these puzzles:

1. Read the definition carefully: Pay attention to every word and try to identify any potential clues or hints. Look for words that might suggest a synonym or a related concept.

2. Think creatively: The given definition may use puns, idioms, or wordplay to mislead you. Don't take it too literally, and consider multiple interpretations of the words.

3. Consider the length of the word: Look for clues that might indicate the length of the word you're trying to find. For example, if the definition mentions a specific number of syllables or letters, it can help narrow down your options.

4. Use the process of elimination: Start by fitting different words into the definition and eliminate the ones that don't make sense. As you gather more information, you can refine your guesses and ultimately find the correct word.

5. Practice and persistence: Solving Daffynition Decoder puzzles requires practice and a bit of trial and error. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately find the answer. Keep practicing, and over time, you'll become better at deciphering the clever wordplay and hidden clues.

There are numerous books and websites that offer Daffynition Decoder puzzles to solve. You can find them by searching online for "Daffynition Decoder puzzles" or checking out puzzle books in stores or libraries.