You have filled a container with 800 cubic centimeters of pure water. What is the volume of the water in milimeters?

To find the volume of water in millimeters, you need to convert the given volume from cubic centimeters to millimeters. Since 1 millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeters, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 cubic centimeter = 1 mL = (0.1 cm) * (0.1 cm) * (0.1 cm) = 0.1 mL/cm^3

To convert from cubic centimeters to millimeters, multiply the volume in cubic centimeters by 0.1:

Volume in millimeters = 800 cm^3 * 0.1 mL/cm^3 = 80 mL

Therefore, the volume of water in millimeters is 80 milliliters (mL).