Can someone please help me with these chemistry questions...I just don't get it!

1. Using the following elements, rank them in order of increasing melting points, based on the periodic trend for melting point: Sr, Mg, Be, Ba?

Would it be Be, Mg, Sr, Ba or would it be Ba, Sr, Mg, Be?

I know what the questions asking for but I get so confused when it wants them in increasing orders!

2. Using the following elements, rank them in order of increasing radius, based on the periodic trend for melting point: Li, Li+1, Rb, Rb+1?

Would this be Li, Li+1, Rb, Rb+1, is that correct?

Thanks for the help in advance ;-)

Increasing means from lowest to highest in order.

One would expect the order to be
Ba, Sr, Mg, Be but in fact Mg is the lowest.

2. Li^+1 is smaller than Li, Rb^+1 is smaller than Rb. Rb is larger than Li.
Your question got melting point mixed up with it and that doesn't have anything to do with the radius.
LI^+, Li, Rb^+, Rb in order of smallest to largest.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with these chemistry questions!

1. To rank the elements in order of increasing melting points, we need to consider the periodic trend for melting point. Generally, as you move across a period from left to right, the melting point increases, and as you move down a group, the melting point tends to decrease.

Let's analyze the elements given: Sr, Mg, Be, and Ba.

- Starting with Be, it is the lightest element among the given choices and is located on the left side of the periodic table. Generally, lighter elements have lower melting points.
- Next, we have Mg. It is heavier than Be but lighter than Sr and Ba. Based on the periodic trend, its melting point should be higher than Be but lower than Sr and Ba.
- Moving on to Sr, it is heavier than Mg and Be but lighter than Ba. Therefore, its melting point should be higher than both Mg and Be.
- Finally, we have Ba, which is the heaviest element among the given choices. Generally, heavier elements have higher melting points.

So, the correct order of increasing melting points for these elements would be: Be, Mg, Sr, Ba.

2. To rank the elements in order of increasing radius, we need to consider the periodic trend for atomic radius. Generally, as you move across a period from left to right, the atomic radius decreases, and as you move down a group, the atomic radius tends to increase.

Let's analyze the elements given: Li, Li+1, Rb, and Rb+1.

- Starting with Li, it is located on the leftmost side of the periodic table. Generally, elements on the left side have larger atomic radii.
- Next, we have Li+1, which is a lithium ion with a positive charge. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a positively charged ion. Since it has lost an electron, it will have a smaller atomic radius compared to neutral Li.
- Moving on to Rb, it is located on the right side of the table but still in the same period. Generally, elements on the right side have smaller atomic radii than elements on the left side.
- Finally, we have Rb+1, which is a rubidium ion with a positive charge. Similar to Li+1, it will have a smaller atomic radius compared to neutral Rb.

So, the correct order of increasing atomic radii for these elements would be: Li, Li+1, Rb, Rb+1.

I hope this helps clarify your confusion. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!