the sentences Lee gave the ball to Lynne and Lynne received the ball from Lee have the same:

A surface structure
B syntax
C surface and deep structures
D deep structure
I was thinking is A but I am not sure

I'm not familiar with transformational grammar, but it from this article, it would seem that they have the same deep structure.

yes the answer is D

To determine whether the sentences "Lee gave the ball to Lynne" and "Lynne received the ball from Lee" have the same surface structure, syntax, surface and deep structures, or deep structure, we need to understand some linguistic concepts.

In linguistics, the surface structure refers to the way a sentence is actually formed and presented. It includes things like word order, punctuation, and grammatical structures. Meanwhile, the deep structure represents the underlying meaning or the intended message conveyed by a sentence.

Syntax refers to the rules governing the arrangement of words in a sentence to create grammatical and meaningful structures.

In this case, both sentences have a similar surface structure in terms of word order and grammatical structures. The subject (Lee/Lynn), verb (gave/received), object (ball), and prepositional phrase (to Lynne/from Lee) appear in the same order in both sentences.

Therefore, the correct answer is B: syntax. The sentences have the same syntactic structure, but they may differ in terms of the deep structure or underlying meaning depending on the context.