what are some effective transition words that would usually start a sentance??


When looking for effective transition words to start a sentence, you can consider a variety of options. Here are some commonly used transition words that can help to establish logical connections between sentences and paragraphs:

1. Firstly/First/First of all: These words introduce the first point or idea in a series or list.

Example: Firstly, we need to gather all the necessary ingredients for the recipe.

2. Additionally/Moreover/Furthermore: These words add more information or provide additional support to the previous statement.

Example: Additionally, the study also found a correlation between exercise and improved mental health.

3. However/Nevertheless/On the other hand: These words introduce contrasting or opposing ideas.

Example: However, despite the initial setbacks, the project was successfully completed.

4. Therefore/Thus/Hence: These words indicate a conclusion or a result based on the previous information.

Example: Therefore, it can be concluded that regular exercise is beneficial for overall well-being.

5. In addition/Furthermore/Moreover: These words show an extension or continuation of the previous point.

Example: In addition, the company plans to expand its operations to international markets.

Remember, the choice of transition words should depend on the context and purpose of your writing. It is essential to ensure that the selected transition words will enhance the coherence and flow of your sentences.