1 euro is worth 1.2 U.S dollars

if I budget 150$ per night for a hotel room. What is the maximum number of euros I should spend for a room?

My answer is 108 euros as a maximum (with an actual number of 107.425)


* Math-check my answer - DrBob222, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:09pm

I get a different number.
$150 x (1 euro/$1.20) =

* Math-check my answer - Christy, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:25pm

Bob are you getting 180 euros ?
That was my first answer but it looked wrong

* Math-check my answer - DrBob222, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:28pm

No. Are you using a calculator. 150/1.2 = 125.

* Math-check my answer - Ms. Sue, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:30pm

Yes, Christy, $180 is correct.

Think of it this way. If you buy a cup of coffee for 1 Euro, you're spending U.S. $1.20. As DrBob showed, you multiply the number of Euros by the amount you paid in U.S. dollars for each Euro.

* Math-check my answer - Christy, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:43pm

So she should only spend 125 euros that would be the equivalent of 150$ US ?

I am confused as to what the true answer should be ?

Are you in a country which requires VAT at 16.36%? Or in a state which levies sales taxes on hotel rooms?

this example is just a math story problem. not based on any real life situation.

I think there is a confusion with the budget.

If the budget is US$150, and the conversion is 1€=US$1.20, then the budget is US$150*(1.00€/US$1.20)
Note how the US$ cancel out to leave &euro as the unit.

I'm sorry -- but it looks like I was wrong in my previous answer.

Check this site for a computerized answer.


Please note that it will give you a number in Euros at today's exchange rate -- which is a little different than the one given in your problem. But it should point you in the right direction.

Based on the provided exchange rate of 1 euro = 1.2 US dollars, we can calculate the maximum number of euros you should spend for a room budgeted at $150 per night.

To do this, we divide the budgeted amount in US dollars by the exchange rate:

$150 / 1.2 = 125 euros

Therefore, the maximum number of euros you should spend for a hotel room with a budget of $150 per night is 125 euros.