Do you think the judicial branch is the least dangerous branch of government, why or why not?? Can you list an example that demonstrates the power of the supreme court???


Least dangerous branch????? As a true American citizen, I believe that all three branches of government are beneficial to our country. None of them are dangerous!

To me, the most memorable of the Supreme Court decisions was Brown vs. the Board of Education in which the Court ruled that there should not be separate schools for Blacks and Whites. African-Americans and European-Americans (and all other hyphenated Americans) must be allowed to attend the same schools.

I agree with Ms Sue. Someone has somehow warped your belief in our country, the government here is for the people, by the people, and of the people. Sure, it has shortcomings, it is made of people.

Some folks are paranoid (look that term up) over any government. But, we have to build roads, have jails, and keep birth and marriage certificats, regulate drivers, and...... The judical branch has things that must be done, and we the people support that. Otherwise, we have a country where each man is a king to himself, and it is chaos.

This is a question in my's not my belief.

with regard to public opion, the supreme court

The question whether the judicial branch is the least dangerous branch of government is subjective and could be a matter of personal opinion. However, it's commonly argued that the judicial branch, which includes the Supreme Court, is designed to be an impartial interpreter of the law and acts as a check on the powers of the other branches. This helps maintain a system of checks and balances within a democratic society.

A crucial example that demonstrates the power of the Supreme Court is the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803). This landmark decision established the principle of judicial review, which allows the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. In this case, the Court struck down a section of the Judiciary Act of 1789, asserting its authority to interpret the Constitution and review the actions of the other branches of government. This decision solidified the Supreme Court's power to shape and influence the interpretation of the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

To further explore this topic and gather more concrete examples, I suggest conducting additional research using reputable sources such as legal journals, scholarly articles, or historical accounts of Supreme Court cases. You can also consult textbooks or engage in discussions with experts in the field to gain various perspectives and insights.