i need some help on this question

a diamond cutter has a raw diamond that weighs 19.5 carats and from which two 5-carat diamonds will be cut.

i need to find out how much the raw diamond weigh in milligrams and plus how much will each of the two cut diamonds weigh in milligrams

A carat of diamond weighs 200 mg.

So a 19.5 carats raw diamond would weigh 19.5*200 = 3,900mg
5-carat gem weighs 200*5=1000 mg.

See response here:


The original diamond weight is 19.5*200 = 3,900mg

A 5-carat gemstone weighs 200*5=1000

To answer your question, we need to understand the conversion rates between carats and milligrams.

1 carat is equal to 200 milligrams.

Now let's calculate:

1. Weight of the raw diamond in milligrams:
To find the weight of the raw diamond in milligrams, we multiply its weight in carats by the conversion rate.
Weight of the raw diamond = 19.5 carats * 200 milligrams per carat = 3,900 milligrams.

Therefore, the raw diamond weighs 3,900 milligrams.

2. Weight of each cut diamond in milligrams:
Since two diamonds will be cut from the raw diamond, we divide the weight of the raw diamond by 2 to find the weight of each cut diamond.
Weight of each cut diamond = 3,900 milligrams / 2 = 1,950 milligrams.

Therefore, each cut diamond weighs 1,950 milligrams.

To summarize:
- The raw diamond weighs 3,900 milligrams.
- Each of the two cut diamonds weighs 1,950 milligrams.