What is a pivotal event?

Please Help!!

A pivotal event is an event that causes a person or a society or a nation to change.

Pivotal events in U.S. history include our independence, Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, 19th Amendment, and Civil Rights Act.

I still don't get it, can you give me an example from the Hobbit book, thanks

A pivotal event is an important occurrence or happening that has a significant impact on the outcome or development of a situation, story, or individual's life. It can also be referred to as a turning point. Pivotal events often bring about a change in direction or perspective and have long-lasting consequences.

If you come across a term like "pivotal event" and you're unsure of its meaning, you can easily find a definition using various methods. Here are a few ways to get an answer:

1. Search engines: You can use search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo to search for the term "pivotal event" or "define pivotal event." This will provide you with multiple definitions from various sources, including dictionaries and academic references.

2. Online dictionaries: Websites like Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, and Dictionary.com offer reliable definitions and explanations of words and phrases. Simply search for "pivotal event" in one of these dictionaries to get a precise definition.

3. Contextual understanding: If you encounter the term "pivotal event" in a specific context, try to analyze the surrounding information to infer its meaning. Look for clues such as related words, examples, or explanations provided in the same text or conversation. This can help you grasp the concept and understand how it is being used.

Remember that these methods can be applied to any unfamiliar term or phrase, not just "pivotal event." It's always good to take the initiative and seek clarification when you come across new concepts.