Evaluate the expression.

m/4 if m=1/5

(1/5)/4 = (1/5)*(1/4)= ?

Two ways to do it.

1/5/4 = 1/5/4/1 = 1/5 x (1/4) = 1/20

Second way.
m/4 = y
m = 4y
1/5 = 4y
1 = 20y
Check my thinking.

To evaluate the expression m/4 given the value of m=1/5, you can substitute the value of m into the expression and perform the calculation.

Given that m=1/5, substitute m with 1/5 in the expression m/4:


To divide a fraction by a whole number, you can multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator. In this case, the reciprocal of 4 is 1/4.

(1/5) * (1/4)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators, you get:


Therefore, the evaluation of the expression m/4 when m=1/5 is 1/20.