I posted this before but i realized i posted somethings that were wrong.

mosquito larvae can tolerate extremely low dissolved oxygen concentrations, yet cannot survive at temperatures above 25 degrees celcius. how might you account for dissolved oxygen concentrations of such a low value at a temperature of 25 degree celcius?

In other words, how can it be that at low temperatures, there is high concentrations of dissolved oxygen?

I don't understand how this can be because as the temperature of an area increases, then the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases.

Isn't that the answer? And note the correct spelling of celsius.

The relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations in water can be explained by the physical properties of water and the behavior of gases. Let me break it down for you.

1. Understanding dissolved oxygen: Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen gas present in water. It plays a crucial role in supporting aquatic life.

2. Temperature and oxygen solubility: Generally, the solubility of gases in liquids decreases with increasing temperature. As you correctly mentioned, at higher temperatures, the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases. This is because water molecules move more rapidly, creating less empty space for oxygen molecules to occupy.

3. Oxygen consumption: Aquatic organisms, including mosquito larvae, actively consume dissolved oxygen for respiration. As temperature increases, metabolic rates also tend to increase, leading to higher oxygen consumption by the organisms.

Now, let's address the apparent contradiction you mentioned in your question:

Mosquito larvae, despite requiring high dissolved oxygen concentrations, cannot survive at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius because the solubility of oxygen decreases at higher temperatures. So, how can they tolerate low dissolved oxygen levels?

The answer lies in their unique physiological adaptations. Mosquito larvae have developed mechanisms to mitigate the effects of low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. Respiratory appendages: Mosquito larvae have specialized structures called siphons or breathing tubes that extend above the water's surface. These siphons allow them to access atmospheric oxygen directly, reducing their reliance on dissolved oxygen in the water.

2. Air breathing: Some mosquito larvae possess air tubes or spiracles through which they draw in air from the atmosphere. By supplementing their oxygen needs from the air, they can survive in low-oxygen conditions.

3. Anaerobic metabolism: Under extreme conditions, mosquito larvae can switch to anaerobic metabolism, which doesn't require oxygen. This allows them to survive in oxygen-depleted environments temporarily, although it is less efficient and can lead to the production of waste products that may be harmful in the long term.

In summary, while the solubility of oxygen in water generally decreases with increasing temperature, mosquito larvae have evolved various adaptations to compensate for low dissolved oxygen concentrations. These include accessing atmospheric oxygen through specialized structures, air breathing, and the ability to switch to anaerobic metabolism when needed.