(-6)-((-2)-5(2nd power)

5^2 = 25

-2 -25 = -27
-(-27) = 27
Subtract 6 from that.



YOu have an error, Venessa, can you find it?

oops sorry i havn't done this in a while

thanx bobpursley

(negatives cancel)

To simplify the expression (-6) - ((-2) - 5^2), we can follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Simplify inside the parentheses.
The expression (-6) - ((-2) - 5^2) becomes (-6) - ((-2) - 25).

Step 2: Simplify any exponents.
There is an exponent in the expression, which is 5^2. 5^2 means 5 raised to the power of 2, which is equal to 25.

Step 1: Simplify inside the parentheses.
The expression (-6) - ((-2) - 25) becomes (-6) - (-2 - 25).

Step 3: Perform any additions and subtractions from left to right.
The expression (-6) - (-2 - 25) can be simplified by first performing the subtraction inside the parentheses, -2 - 25. -2 - 25 is equal to -27.

Step 3: Perform the subtraction.
The expression (-6) - (-27) becomes -6 + 27.

Step 4: Perform the addition.
The expression -6 + 27 is equal to 21.

Therefore, the simplified expression (-6) - ((-2) - 5^2) is equal to 21.