I am trying to solve 5x+y=30 - this is what I have completed so far.

-5x =30-5x
y= 25x
so the points to plot would be -5,25 ? I do not think is correct - please help

Start with an x column and next to it have a y column so for every x answer you have there will be a corresponding y answer. For example start with assigning x=1, plug it in the equation and find out what y equals. Then assign x=2 then plug it in and find out what y is, and so on and so on until you have a good graph representation of what the answer looks like. So, you will have a multitude of x and y answers. Hope this helps

5x+y=30 is a single equation with two variables, which means that it gives a relationship between the variables.

In this case, the points that satisfy the relationship form a line.

You can reorganize the equation to read:
As sharon suggested, make a table of values of x and y. Designate values of x (say from -5 to +5) and calculate the corresponding values of y. Plot these pairs of values, or points, on the graph and you should obtain a straight line if there are no errors. For example:
x y
-5 55
-4 50
-3 45
5 5

To solve the equation 5x + y = 30, you've made a mistake in isolating the variable y. Let's go through the correct steps to solve it.

Step 1: Rewrite the equation:
5x + y = 30

Step 2: Isolate y by subtracting 5x from both sides of the equation:
y = 30 - 5x

Now, the equation is in the form y = mx + b, where m is the coefficient of x and b is the constant term. In this case, m = -5 and b = 30.

To find the points to plot, you need to assign values to x and calculate the corresponding values of y. For example, you can choose x = 0:

y = 30 - 5(0) = 30

So, one point on the graph would be (0, 30).

You can also choose another value for x, such as x = 5:

y = 30 - 5(5) = 30 - 25 = 5

This gives another point on the graph, which is (5, 5).

By choosing different values for x and evaluating y, you can find additional points to plot and then connect them to form the line.