you helped me with this earlier I think I got it.

2004 gun deaths would be -1777 x 4 years + 27,153 = 20,045

2008 gun deaths would be -1777 X 8 years + 27, 153 = 12, 937


It looks like you are trying to calculate the number of gun deaths in 2004 and 2008 based on a given formula. Let's break down the steps to understand how you arrived at those numbers.

To calculate the number of gun deaths in a specific year using the formula you provided, you first multiply the constant (-1777) by the number of years before or after the reference year (which is 2000 in this case). Then you add the product to the base number (27,153) to get the total.

For the year 2004:
- The number of years between 2000 and 2004 is 4 years.
- Multiply the constant (-1777) by 4: -1777 * 4 = -7108.
- Add the product to the base number: -7108 + 27,153 = 20,045.

Therefore, according to your calculations, there were 20,045 gun deaths in 2004 based on the given formula.

For the year 2008:
- The number of years between 2000 and 2008 is 8 years.
- Multiply the constant (-1777) by 8: -1777 * 8 = -14,216.
- Add the product to the base number: -14,216 + 27,153 = 12,937.

Hence, based on the formula provided, there were 12,937 gun deaths in 2008.

Please note that the accuracy of these calculations depends on the validity of the formula and the data used.