wat is the difference between a hypothesis and a question?

plz help and thank you

A hypothesis is a statement.

A hypothesis is a tenative explanation for a phenomena that leads to scientific inquiry to find out if its support or rejected

Certainly! I'd be happy to help explain the difference between a hypothesis and a question.

A question is an inquiry or a sentence that seeks information, clarification, or understanding. It is usually designed to gather knowledge about something that is not known or understood. For example, a question might be, "What is the impact of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem?"

On the other hand, a hypothesis is a statement or an educated guess that attempts to explain a specific phenomenon or make a prediction based on existing knowledge or assumptions. A hypothesis is usually formulated in response to a question. It is an attempt to answer the question by proposing a possible explanation or solution. For instance, based on the question above, a hypothesis could be, "If the Arctic continues to warm due to climate change, the melting sea ice will negatively affect the food chain of Arctic organisms."

To summarize, a question prompts an inquiry while a hypothesis offers a potential explanation or prediction in response to that question. It's important to note that in scientific research, hypotheses are often tested through experiments or further investigation to validate or reject their validity.