I have tried this problems all ways please help



I get 5 but that can't be right

show your work, it isn't right.

what I did was:

because of the minus sign 8 becomes -8
34-49 is -15
-8-(34-49) is 7
multiply 5 and 7
so it = 35

To simplify the expression 5[-8-(34-49)], follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS):

1. Begin with the inner parentheses (34-49):
-34 -(-49)
-34 + 49

2. Now substitute the simplified value back into the expression:

3. Perform the subtraction (-8-15):

4. Multiply the result (-23) by 5:
-23 * 5

Thus, the simplified expression is -115, not 5.