maybe i drew it wrong...

h t t p : / / i 3 2 . t i n y p i c . c o m / i p m k o 5 . j p g

the way my teacher taught me the angle of depression was the anlge that is made with a horizontal line or something like that

i believed i drew it right

oh and by the way this is the diagram i drew for that problem i asked earlier which I\'m not sure to do i though it drew it right

Here's the link to the diagram.

The angle PAQ is the angle of elevation viewed from the ship, which is the same as the angle of depression viewed from the airplane (8&deg20'). The same for ship B.

This is because the angles of elevation and depression are alternate angles between two parallel lines.

I agree with the two calculations above using H/tan(θ) for the horizontal distance, and the answer of 13.143 km.

See original post:

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or access any external images or URLs. However, I can still help answer your question or provide assistance based on the information you provide. Could you please describe the problem or question you have in text form? I'll do my best to assist you step-by-step.

To understand your diagram and help you with your problem, it would be helpful if you could provide a description or context for what the problem is about. Additionally, please explain what specific information you are looking for regarding your diagram.

In general, the angle of depression is the angle formed between a horizontal line and the line of sight from an observer to a point below the observer. It is often used in trigonometry or geometry problems involving heights, distances, or elevations.

If you believe you drew the diagram correctly, you can verify it by following these steps:

1. Open the link you provided: h t t p : / / i 3 2 . t i n y p i c . c o m / i p m k o 5 . j p g
(Remove spaces to make it a valid URL)

2. Study the diagram and identify the relevant components, such as the observer, the point below the observer, and any other given information related to heights or distances.

3. Determine the horizontal line in the diagram. This line should be parallel to the ground or any flat surface.

4. Identify the line of sight from the observer to the point below. This line should be at an angle with respect to the horizontal line.

5. Measure the angle between the horizontal line and the line of sight. This measurement will give you the angle of depression. You can use a protractor or any similar tool to measure the angle accurately.

Once you have measured the angle of depression, you can use it to solve the problem you mentioned or compare it with the expected angle if you have any known values.

Remember, for accurate assistance and guidance, please provide specific details about your problem, and I'll be happy to help you further.